HATJE CANTZ : Thomas Hoepker - DDR Ansichten

HATJE CANTZ : Thomas Hoepker - DDR Ansichten

Foto : 25. Jahrestag der DDR

Hatje Cantz Verlag documents the gradual disappearance with two photo books. GoSee recommends Palast der Republik 1994-2010 and Thomas Hoepker - DDR Ansichten

The GDR is history and progressively sinks into oblivion. Since 1993, Christian von Steffelin has been using photographs in an attempt to counter that development. He documents the drastic changes in Eastern Berlin ever since the fall of the Wall, particularly illuminated by the short-lived stages of unique buildings and city spaces. He dedicated a long-time study to the ‘Palast der Republik 1994-2010’. A testimony to a gradual disappearance....

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