21AGENCY : Shinji Kagawa for YANMAR Co. Ltd, Styling Sandra Nadarzinski

Client YANMAR Co. Ltd.
Production Kiyoshi Runze
Usage TV commercial
Styling Sandra Nadarzinski c/o 21Agency
Model Shinji Kagawa

21 Agency : Commercial for YANMAR with Dortmund’s soccer star Shinji Kagawa, editorials for SPECTRE and SOLSTICE, and a Granu Fink Prosta forte ad

Shinji Kagawa, Japanese soccer player, has been under contract with Borussia Dortmund since summer 2014. Also since 2014, Shinji has been part of the Japanese national soccer team. He can now be admired in the YANMAR spot, for which he was styled by Sandra NADARZINSKI c/o 21AGENCY. Yanmar Co., Ltd. is an international mechanical engineering company from Japan, with production and sales locations in Europe, North and South America as well as...

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